'Sacred Birth Plan' Journal

Take your birth from clinical to magical with this new paradigm birth plan that puts you in your power.

Pop your email in below to receive your instant free copy, andĀ shift theĀ birthing power back to you.

From Fear to Power

Whereas traditional birth plans are an impersonal checklist dictated by the medical establishment focused purely on the physical body, my Sacred Birth Plan Journal shifts you from fear to power. It focuses on the holistic experience of birth - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - so you can have a treasured (as opposed to traumatic) birthing experience.

These provocative childbirth prompts will:

  • Ensure your birth is a cherished memory, instead of a lifetime trauma for you and your baby
  • Make sure everyone in your birthing circle knows what your needs are, so that on the big day there's no shadow of a doubt how you would like to be treated - no matter what happens
  • Turn your birth into a sacred rite of passage that is a portal to the divine feminine, as you ignite an inner strength that will serve you throughout motherhood
  • Protect you and your baby's sovereignty, so you can move from subservient victim to warrior goddess

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As an added bonus, you will also receive empowering weekly content – raw, inspiring, and real – from those who have birthed blissfully before you.

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